Acum ar fi trebuit sa imi termin handout-ul pentru conferinta CECIL'S de la Budapesta la care plec maine, dar cartea lui Gerritsen pe care am tradus-o anul trecut pentru editura RAO imi facea cu ochiul. Probabil ca nu este un roman pe care v-ati grabi sa il cumparati, dar odata ce l-ati deschis nu il veti mai lasa din mana.
Sunt doua fire narative care se impletesc armonios, iar rezultatul este un roman care te tine cu sufletul la gura.
Iminenta nastere a primului copil se transforma intr-un cosmar pentru detectivul Jane Rizzoli cand este luata ostatica in spitalul in care este internata de catre o femeie gasita inecata in Hingham Bay, dar care se trezeste la morga, in timp de medicul legist, Maura Isles o examineaza.
Pe de alta parte aflam povestea Milei, o poveste cutremuratoare despre traficul de carne vie si cum sunt percepute tinerele de catre anumiti barbati. (partea aceasta a fost cel mai greu de tradus, fiind dezgustat de ce se intampla cu ele, cum erau multe ori am aruncat cartea si am zis ca nu pot sa traduc asa ceva....) Mai jos va scriu doua astfel de citate:
" Tremurand, ingrozita sa nu fiu lovita din nou, ma supun. Imi deschei fermoarul rochiei si imi dau jos ciorapii. Ma uit in jos; o fata buna trebuie sa fie cuviincioasa. In timp ce ma intind pe pat, nu scot nici un sunet, desfacandu-mi picioarele in fata lui, fara nici un fel de impotrivire, pur si simplu cu supunere.
In timp ce se dezbraca, se uita la mine, savurand privelistea de carne supusa. Imi inghit scarba cand se urca pe mine, mirosind a scotch. Inchid ochii si ma concentrez asupra huruitului motoarelor, asupra apei stropind barca. Plutesc deasupra corpului meu..."
" Sunt gratii la ferestre. In dimineata asta, gheata este intinsa pe fereastra aidoma unei panze de paianjen din cristal. Afara sunt copaci, atat de multi incat nu stiu ce se afla dincolo. Tot ce stiu este ca aceasta camera si aceasta casa, au devenit universul nostru din noaptea in care am fost aduse aici cu dubita. Soarele straluceste pe fereastra inghetata. Este frumos in aceste paduri si ma imaginez plimbandu-ma printre arbori. Frunzele fosnind, gheata lucind pe ramuri. Un adevarat paradis inghetat.
In casa este iadul.
Il vad reflectandu-se pe chipurile celorlalte fete, care dorm in paturi de campanie murdare. Le aud suferinta in gemetele lor inabusite, in scantecele lor. Suntem sase care impartim camera asta. Olena se afla de cel mai mult timp aici, are pe obraz o vanataie urata, lasata de un client caruia ii placea sa se joace violent. ..."
Va invit la o lectura emotionanta, plina de rasturnari de situatii si povesti incredibile.
Titlul: Disparitia
Autor: Tess Gerritsen
Traducere in limba romana: Costin - Valentin Oancea
Editura RAO, 2011, 345 pagini.
marți, 21 august 2012
duminică, 19 august 2012
The adventures of Indiana Jones
A few months ago, I discovered a wonderful website (free shipping worldwide) and on this webside I found what I was looking for years, novels depicting the adventures of professor Henry James Jr, i.e. Indiana Jones. So far I've bought and read only 7 (there are 12). I will write a few lines about each novel that I've read and hopefully I will convince you to give it a try!
For sixteen centuries the Order of Pythia has awaited the reappearance of the ancient oracle of sacred knowledge at Delphi. An earthquake, rending the earth beneath the ruins, has now heralded her return. Dorian Belecamus, a beautiful and bewitching archaeology professor, sees an opportunity to do more than dig into the past: this is her chance to seize control of her country's future - by returning to Greece and becoming the Oracle of Delphi! And she managed to bewitch one of her students (from Sorbonne), who has fallen under her spell. It's Jones alright.
The adventure starts in Chicano, then Paris and Greece. I don't want to tell you more, so go ahead and read the novel. It has a bit of everything. Rob MacGregor manages to mix all the ingredients required and the result is this gripping novel.
Title: Indiana Jones and the Peril at Delphi
Author: Rob MacGregor
Published by Bantam Books, 293 pages.
In this novel Indiana Jones becomes a teaching assistant (his first job!) in the archaeology department at London University. His brightest student is Deirdre Campbell, a twenty-year-old Scotting girl. She thinks that she's uncovered a golden scroll which proves the existence of Merlin (the famous sorcerer). Deirdre's mother is a well-known archaeologist and Indy's boss. But they are not the only ones who are after the scroll. The book offers a great description of Stonehenge, the place where Merlin's secret will be revealed. Below - a quotation from the novel.
"While myths should never be blindly accepted as an explanation of what happened at some time in the past, it is not only logical for archaeologists to study those which relate to the particular culture they are investigating, but relevant and necessary. Virtually every myth contains a nugget of truth, a hidden meaning, or a lead for an archaeologist to pursue."
Title: Indiana Jones and the Dance of the Giants
Author: Rob MacGregor
Published by Bantam Books, 278 pages.
Having barely survived a hair-rising archaeological dig in Tikal, Guatemala, Indiana Jones has returned to New York just in time to get caught up in a controversy. The mysterious writings of Colonel Percy Fawcett - the famous British explorer - have turned up, describing something that could change the course of history. In this new adventure Indy is accompanied by the lovely Deirdre Campbell and they set out for the wilds of the Amazon where they will risk being eaten alive by cannibals. You will discover what "the seven veils" are and get acquainted with the writings and findings of the British explorer mentioned above.
"From what I gather, veiling is supposedly an ability to make objects and people look like shadows or, for all practical purposes, become invisible. It seems the society is divided into seven levels of veils, and one's social status is directly related to the veiling ability one has achieved." (p. 153).
Title: Indiana Jones and the Seven Veils
Author: Rob MacGregor
Published by Bantam Books, 275 pages.
Having lost his beloved Deirdre (she dies in The Seven Veils) in the Amazon a year ago, Indiana Jones has settled down and taught Celtic archaeology. However, he becomes intrigued when Dr Vladimir Zobolotsky tries to persuade him to go on an expedition to search for Noah's Ark. They travel to Istanbul and then to Mount Ararat, the location of Noah's Ark. But Kremlin agents are also after the ark and they will do everything...
Title: Indiana Jones and the Genesis Deluge
Author: Rob MacGregor
Published by Bantam Books, 293 pages.
This novel reminded me of the first Harry Potter novel, as they have the same title and the name of Nicholas Flamel is mentioned as the creator of the philosopher's stone (if you remember in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Hermione discovers that NF was the inventor of the stone together with his wife, Penelope).
You will also find out about one of the greatest mysteries in terms of manuscripts - the Voynich Manuscript (which I am going to see very soon as it is on display at the British Museum). Mussolini is also after the manuscript, which is actually a map leading into the desert and the most ancient and magnificent crypt in the world, where Indiana Jones will witness an astounding miracle of alchemy.
Title: Indiana Jones and the Philosopher's Stone
Author: Max McCoy
Published by Bantam Books, 282 pages.
Indiana Jones meets his old rival, Belloq (whom you might remember from the 1st Indiana Jones movie - Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the ost Ark) who is working for the Nazis. The story is not as interesting as the others I have described so far but what is puzzling is the dinosaur bone discovered by professor Angus Starbuck in the Gobi Desert.
Bloodthirsty killers and wild dogs are chasing the famous archaeologist with the purpose of killing him once and for all. Will they succeed?
Read the novel and you'll find out!
Title: Indiana Jones and the Dinosaur Eggs
Author: Max McCoy
Published by Bantam Books, 281 pages.
It is the most coveted of all ancient artifacts. It stands there, defending the pyramids on the Giza plateau in Egypt. (Hopefully, one day I will see it with my own eyes!!!)
Indiana Jones follows a trail of danger, magic and archaeological mystery through the war-torn Orient, from Rangoon to the Giza plateau, searching for a poweful relic - the Omega Book. If the Omega Book falls into the wrong hands, not only Indy's fate but the fate of the world will be at the mercy of a madman bent on writing humanity's final chapter. Another gripping story, signed by Max McCoy.
" We are all travelers in time, Dr. Jones. Live in the present, keep looking to the future, but always remember the past. And never forget to listen to your heart." - this is my favourite quote from the novel and also the ending.
Title: Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Sphinx
Author: Max McCoy
Published by Bantam Books, 275 pages.
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